Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Different Perspective

Mouth watering I reached for the wrapper that promised sweetness inside. The box showed a chocolate covered vanilla (or probably yogurt here) cake with a middle layer of hazelnut! It was an alluring sight for this coffee-loving girl who finds the perfect match for coffee in little sweet things. As the cake whirled and twirled around in my mouth though, my face couldn't hold back the disappointment in the cake. It was almost like eating slightly flavored air, with a hit of some kind of nut and a chemical tasting chocolate outside. This was no Little Debbie!! How deceiving it was! Everything looked right on the outside, but the inside of cake didn't have the fullness or satisfaction I so craved.

These are the little cakes-they are called Qute cakes

After I quit eating the little cake and threw the rest away, I couldn't help but think about how the world is like this often as well. We see things in it that look so attractive and appealing. On the outside it looks like it will satisfy, but then it never seems to fill that craving you so desire. It is empty on the inside. Sometimes, we try to consume more in hopes it we were wrong the first time or just plain out didn't get enough. I must admit, I tried the cake again with the same result the second time. I realize more and more each day though we can only have the fullness of life from our Father. He is the true satisfaction. It is easier for me to say this because I know what this feels like and know the truth. Although, I sometimes am led astray and have to reminded. But what about those of have never had a taste of the truth? What about those who've been eating empty little cakes their whole life and haven't had a chance to try the true delight, like one finds in a Little Debbie. I think this is where it is our part comes it to share with others. Share the truth we know and stop others from walking around in falling into empty traps.
Besides just purchasing little cakes lately, I have also made maybe the best purchase yet...a heat fan!!! This little guy works magic in my room. In China, they have a day that the heat will come on for everyone...Nov. 15th (this Saturday!! ), but it is already getting cold outside. So my room has been many degrees of cold. At night, I wrap myself up in my blankets like a Flaming Amy's burrito with many layers. My new fan keeps me a lot warmer and cuts the chill in my room drastically!

Here is the fan in action!! Praises!

A closer look of the warmth coming from this machine!

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