Friday, October 10, 2008

In a Haze

This morning, as I shuffled over to my chair beside my kitchen table too tired to make it to my bedroom after my shower, I knew I couldn't go to class for the second day in a row. For about two and a half days I've been really sick. In fact, I can't remember the last time I've been this sick. It started as just little tired, then I was feverish with hot and cold sweats, then I had a dull ache in my stomach, and then I couldn't stop the outpouring from my body. Basically, for two days all I've done is lay in my bed. The worst part of this sickness is the complete and total loss of energy. It takes effort for me to walk across my apartment. I think part of this sickness though is a lesson for me about not being in control and just surrendering all that I am. I must admit, being sick cause me to long for home a little bit and the big, fluffy couch at home with my mom to care for me, but it also has reminded me of why I am here and how much I do want to be an active roll in it. I just can't do things in my own way or time or I might get knocked on my butt. I do think I am starting to get better and have felt really cared for by my team here.
On a brighter note, Tony and Lily, our Chinese friends who work with IECS had their baby yesterday!!! It's a girl! I am so excited for them! Her name is Xi Mei (English name = Simi). She is 9 lbs, which is really big for Chinese standards and I can't wait to see her! Chinese babies are sooo cute. Next weekend I hope to go to Beijing again and hopefully I will get to see little Simi. I also really enjoyed teaching all the classes I did get to teach this week. They are going really well. I've decided to play one American song in each class, because the students really want to know more music and this week I started with the Cupid Shuffle. I taught my classes the dance and everything. They loved it.

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

Hope you are feeling better! thinking of you lots and lots! sammy and I are in the mtns for the weekend:) (and we are mad b/c we have to leave this afternoon blegh!)