Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A Grandma and Child

"But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for He will go before you, He will be your rear guard."

The little ham was bundled up like so many other Chinese babies, layers so think their tiny arms constantly stick out a little by their sides as if they are always in preparation for a hug. The Grandma was also like so many other Chinese Grandmas: a solemn face yet with a twinkle in the eye. She walked in slow, smooth shuffle holding her hands behind her back as she followed her little one around. I couldn't help but be drawn to this pair as I made my way own slow shuffle of a run around the track. There is often Grandparents and grandchildren at the track when I go running, so much in fact I often think of my running time as "baby hour." I think it is the jumping pit full of sand that really attracts them. This baby seemed to be full of joy as she discovered this whole new world at the track. She followed safely along the wall of the stadium, losing as regaining speed at each footfall. The Grandma the whole time just followed patiently behind watching her every move. A few times, the Grandma went out in front of the child and lead the way. At one point, the curious little one couldn't help but expand her discovery beyond just the track, but also to the trash can at the track. She stuck her little hands in and then tried to put her whole head, just before she could get it in there the Grandma came up and gently led her away from it. Good idea, since trash cans in China are a scary thing to think about messing with. The little ham just kept on going though after being pulled out and walked straight to the next trash can and did the same thing! There she went putting her head in the trash again. Grandma came not too far behind though and gently pulled her right back out again and showed her a new path to walk on around the side of the stadium. As I watched the simple interaction between this Grandma and grandchild, I couldn't help but think about my relationship with the Father. He leads me everywhere I go and also watches me as I make my way. How many times does He have to pull me out of horrible trash! I am so glad to know the gentle care of the Father.

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